Media & Communications

Red Bay is served by a local weekly newspaper, The Red Bay News; a county weekly, The Franklin County Times. Two daily newspapers, The Times Daily (Florence, AL), and the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal (Tupelo, MS), also publish articles from time to time regarding Red Bay events.

Red Bay has one radio station.  WRMG-AM FM97.9 TV -12 is located at 97.9 FM and 1430 AM and channel 12 on cable TV. Numerous other stations within a 100-mile radius are received here on both AM and FM.

Television has a good reception in this area by both cable and wave signal. Television stations,  WTVA (NBC), Tupelo, MS and WCBI (CBS), Columbus, MS  have excellent reception in this area. MaxxSouth provides cable service which broadcasts in excess of 40 channels. Red Bay has a local TV broadcast on channel 12.

Broadband Internet service is available to area residents. Inside and outside city limits, fiber Internet service is offered by Freedom Fiber. Inside city limits, residents can also opt for service through MaxxSouth.

This area is served by AT&T with well-equipped modern dial and touch-tone. Cellular service is available through AT&T and Verizon.

The Red Bay Post Office is classified as first class with daily delivery Monday through Saturday. Daily movement of mail: in at 8:30 AM, out at 4:30 PM.

Red Bay is also served with local delivery by UPS and Federal Express.

Public Library

The Weatherford Public Library, located in Red Bay, houses in excess of 9,500 volumes. This is a modern facility which also provides computer internet access, which is available to the community.

Financial Institutions

Financial services are provided by three institutions. Total deposits of these institutions being in excess of $150,000,000. Red Bay is also served by savings and loans from nearby cities. These institutions are a great asset to Red Bay.

Civic Clubs

Several civic and service organizations are represented in Red Bay.

The Lions Clubs, Civitan Club, Band Booster Club, Athletic Booster Club, American Legion, Masonic Lodge, PTO, Leadership Red Bay, Chamber of Commerce and Garden Club are all sponsors of good citizenship of our community.

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